A trip to London for half a day’s work means I can pack my camera, change out of my suit into outdoors gear in the corporate headquarters and head off to The Regent’s Park for a little bird photography. I’ve been here before to enjoy the wildfowl collection:
Wildfowl is an odd name because they aren’t wild, having had the primary wing feathers cut off one wing. It’s a great opportunity to get close to some spectacular ducks. Here’s a Smew, Mergus albellus.

Described as, “A compact diving duck with a delicate bill”, the Smew is an unusual winter visitor from Scandinavia. There have been few spotted around the coast this winter and I would have loved to see one in the wild. I wouldn’t have got such stunning views out on the sea though.

The black patches on the face are actually iridescent green. It’s an attractive symbol for any prospective female Smew who comes his way. And for me.
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