Feeding time
One of the most interesting aspects of bird behaviour is watching parents feeding their young. In this case, I can’t be sure …
One of the most interesting aspects of bird behaviour is watching parents feeding their young. In this case, I can’t be sure …
Arctic Tern chicks are so wonderfully endearing. Isn’t this one sweet?
We had only just arrived on Papa Westray when we saw an Arctic Tern on the handrail. They’re such handsome birds, with …
Arctic Terns have short legs. Comically short legs. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. They need as little excess baggage …
There are 60 Arctic Terns in this colony but sadly only three surviving chicks. That’s better than the collapsed colony at the …
I’m going on a trip to the Arctics. No, not the North Pole, I’m going on a trip to see the Arctic …
I’ve loved watching the Arctic Terns in Orkney this summer. They’re fascinating. I spent hours watching them come back to their colonies …
Watching Arctic Terns pull Lumpsuckers out of the water is a thrill. I love the spray of water around this one and …
Something I enjoyed this summer was taking multiple exposures of some of the bird species on Westray and creating composite images from …
An Arctic Tern family from this summer. I wonder where they are now? I suspect they’ll be somewhere on the way to …
I’ve been enjoying reviewing some of my images from Orkney Mainland taken this summer and this one, from a sequence I took …
Arctic Terns have beaks like tweezers. Or is it that tweezers are like Arctic Terns’ beaks? It’s all part of our inversion …
Isn’t this Arctic Tern a stunning bird? One distinctive feature of Arctic Terns is that they have incredibly short legs. It probably …
I love how high-speed photography reveals what’s happening, when the human eye and brain can’t process it. Here, an Arctic Tern is …
The Arctic Tern colonies on Westray all behave differently when approached. Their behaviour seems to depend upon which stage in the breeding …
I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time with Arctic Terns this summer. It’s been a pleasure. I’ve been sit-in on the rocks …
Watching young birds being fed is entertaining, especially if they are twins. The look on the face of the bird which isn’t …
The Arctic Tern chicks have fledged, yet Great Skuas still patrol and Arctic Tern parents still chase them off. It’s an ever-repeating …
Evolution by natural selection has resulted in the most incredible diversity of life on Earth. One of the standout examples in my …
This Arctic Tern has caught a fish which is clearly causing it a problem. It can’t feed it to its chick and …
Getting just one shot of an Arctic Tern diving is difficult enough. Getting two? Even more difficult. Getting a whole sequence and …
Water; it’s incredible. Humans have evolved senses to see, smell, and taste a wide variety of sensations and yet we see water …
Arctic Terns move between air and water, between north and south, between being territorial and migratory, between Arctic and Antarctic. Their life …
There are young Arctic Terns here which have yet to get their full adult plumage. Smart, aren’t they? We’ve walked a mile …
We’re on Mainland Orkney for a few days because my car needs an MOT. That’s a happy circumstance, because it gives us …
We’ve been out with the Arctic Terns this evening and I’ve loved seeing their behaviour. They interact with all the other bird …
I’m at least a mile away from the Arctic Tern colony here when one passes overhead. It’s clearly not found enough to …
Once species chasing another is the order of the day. Inter-species conflict is breaking out all over the island. We’ve had an …
I’m out taking photographs of the female Grey Phalarope. Yes, this one: I did come here to take photographs of Dunlin, which …
I’ve seen Arctic Skuas get into quite a few scraps this summer. There was the time one chased a Raven. Then the …