Why bother fishing when you can steal another bird’s fish? Arctic Skuas are adept at kleptoparasitism. I’m on Papa Westray for the …
Why bother fishing when you can steal another bird’s fish? Arctic Skuas are adept at kleptoparasitism. I’m on Papa Westray for the …
I’m crouching down on shattered bare rocks in the desolate far north of Westray trying to get a photograph of a Ringed …
Arctic Skuas come in several different colour varieties. Here’s the darkest: Aren’t the feather patterns on its underwings beautiful? They’re elegant and …
We spent an amazing evening with the Scootie Allans of Westray. Arctic Skuas are beautiful, impressive birds, with sleek bodies and swept-back …
A Scootie Allan attacking a Mallimack. An Arctic Skua attacking a Fulmar. A Stercorarius parasiticus attacking a Fulmarus glacialis. Dramatic, isn’t it, in …
August in Orkney can be quieter than May, June or July when it comes to bird life. In 2022, August was hectic …
A Puffin’s dinner is an Arctic Skua’s dinner. Arctic Skuas are hunting Puffins for their fish on Westray and they’re having intermittent …
Arctic Skuas are one of my favourite birds. Their swept-back wings, hooked beaks and pointed tail feathers make a distinctive silhouette. I …
There’s a juvenile Arctic Skua overhead. I’m getting amazing views. It’s not from this year because it has very different plumage from …
I’ve seen Great Skuas attacking juvenile Kittiwakes on Westray. They pluck them out of the air and peck them to death. It’s …
There’s an Arctic Skua hunting Puffins for their fish. The weather is stunning, with interesting clouds making rainbow sundogs either side of …
I hear a loud Keeeeoww; a scream coming from above me. I manage to get its source in my viewfinder. It’s a …
The Arctic Skuas on the Westside have a chick. It appears to be bigger than they are. It’s easy to see the …
Arctic Skuas are one of my favourite birds. They do, however, hunt Puffins to rob them of their fish. I’ve previously photographed …
I had a wonderful time on Westray in Orkney in 2021. The Puffins returned to breed and provided constant entertainment with their …
There’s a marked difference in the size of fish which Puffins bring to their burrows. I’m sure that they were bringing smaller …
Perhaps the best part of the coastline for walking in Westray is the west coast. The section from Mae Sands to Noup …
In 2020 I managed two trips to Orkney. I did it by self-isolating for two weeks before travelling and then taking all …
Spending time in nature really helps you appreciate it. I’ve had such a great summer on the gentle hills and cliffs of …
I have to say it. These juvenile Arctic Skuas are… a little bit ginger. It’s fabulous to watch them sweep imperiously past. …
I’ve seen Arctic Skuas get into quite a few scraps this summer. There was the time one chased a Raven. Then the …
There’s a rock pool fed with fresh water fram a tiny waterfall on the west coast of Westray. I love how green …
Arctic Skuas come to Orkney to breed. They’re kleptoparasites, attacking birds with fish and stealing their meal. They also attack people with …
I’m walking the wild west coast of Westray again. It’s magnificent. For a few months each year it’s inhabited by Arctic Skuas, …
There are dramatic seas today. Here’s the Atlantic Ocean. There’s nothing west of here but the weather. And an Arctic Skua.
Here’s a Guillemot flying past me on the west Westray coast. It’s a grey day, but the rain has cleared and there’s …
I’m walking the west coast of Westray again. It’s wild and wonderful. There are processions of Guillemots coming past fast and low. …
I’m expecting to be attacked today. No, I’m not in an inner city, I’m on an island with a population of fewer …
A little further along the coast of Papa Westray I see an Arctic Skua sitting on a wall. It’s really not what …
On our walk around Papa Westray we are excited to see Arctic Skuas. At least we are until they attack us. There’s …