Fixed with a piercing stare
I’m watching a Long-Tailed Bushtit’s nest from 20 metres away when I notice a Buzzard heading straight towards me. Those eyes are …
I’m watching a Long-Tailed Bushtit’s nest from 20 metres away when I notice a Buzzard heading straight towards me. Those eyes are …
We are at Challacombe Farm when we see four Buzzards overhead. It’s that time of year again, when there are territorial battles …
There’s a Buzzard overhead. It reminds me of one of Charles Tunnicliffe’s portraits. Charles Tunnicliffe was a genius at representing wildlife. His …
Mobbing is something Carrion Crows manage to do on their own, without the need of a mob. There’s little rest for Buzzards …
Italian bird hides seem to be so much better than ones in the UK. Why should that be? Has no-one in the …
Buzzards are regal. They must be, because they bring with them a retinue wherever they go. Here’s one with its attendant, a …
There are several pairs of Common Buzzards in my local area. You may have seen them perched on high posts or circling …
Much of the nature I’ve enjoyed in Devon this year has been close to home. It’s been a short walk or cycle …
Looking back at my blogs from 2021 it’s clear that I had some great wildlife experiences and managed to document many of …
I’ve cycled out to The Wood again. I’m collecting my trail camera (more of which, later) and want to check on the …
I’ve finally found the active Buzzard’s nest deep in The Wood.
I’m hidden in the bushes waiting for Cuckoos when I see a Buzzard heading straight towards me up the hill. It veers …
There’s one of the biggest nests I’ve seen up this tree in the centre of the wood. It must be the nest …
I thought that last week’s Buzzard drama over my local industrial estate was it for me. After all, how much great Buzzard …
For the last few days I’ve been walking from my home in South Devon to my local industrial estate to see the …
Seeing a Buzzard land on a nest fills me with hope. There’s the possibility of the pitter-patter of tiny Buzzard feet this …
There’s a very pale Common Buzzard flying around me. Its breast and underwings are almost cream rather than dark brown. It makes …
On a previous walk through the industrial estate I met a couple who said they’d seen a Buzzard at the waterworks on …
In July I went walking with my son on Dartmoor and he took a rare portrait of me Walking the Hunters’ Path: …
When I’m in Devon I live right in the centre of town but close to some wonderful green spaces. Large areas of …
There’s a wide variation in the colouration of Common Buzzards. This one is particularly pale, without the dark brown breast markings and …
How many Crows make a mob? The answer is only one. The local Buzzard has taken off for its daily life of …
We’re cycling early in the morning in South Devon when I spot a huge bird in the top of a tree. It …
A bit of daily exercise means a walk up the hill and back. I’m trying to avoid the Grand Old Duke of …
I’m still admiring the Stover Country Park Buzzard. It’s a glorious bird and seems oblivious to the crowd of people on the …
The legendary frog-eating Buzzard is back at Stover Country Park: Apparently it ate a mouse this morning: That won’t feed it for …
We’re driving along the road in the south of Italy on the border between Puglia and Basilicata when we see a bird …
2017 was when I embarked upon my quest with gusto. Which quest? To find all the animals, plants and fungi I wrote …
I’m out for a walk along the River Exe with my camera. There are a few small wading birds around but nothing …
Crows react very badly to the presence of Buzzards. Here one took exception to a Buzzard in its field, mobbing it and …