Black Kite, Red Kite, Buzzard
We’re driving along the road in the south of Italy on the border between Puglia and Basilicata when we see a bird of prey circling close to the road. We pull to a halt on a rough track and both get our telephoto lenses out.
“Black Kite”, I say.
“Buzzard”, she says.
I look up.
“That’s a Red Kite”, I reply.
Then we start laughing. All three species are up there.
Here’s the Black Kite which flew past just as I got my camera out:
What an incredible bird:
I love the way its feet are curled up into fists, if that’s what you call it when you’re talking about feet.
Here’s the Black Kite, Milvus migrans, and the Red Kite, Milvus milvus, flying very close to one another. They’ve obviously been attracted to the same food:
I’m amazed at how close they fly to one another:
They my amazement is doubled as there’s almost a mid-air collision between the Red Kite and the Buzzard. They only miss one another by inches:
I think Italian air traffic control need to report that as a near-miss, if they’re not on strike again.