Blackcap in Matera
It’s been a wonderful few days in Matera, but it’s time for us to go back to Rome. What an incredible place …
It’s been a wonderful few days in Matera, but it’s time for us to go back to Rome. What an incredible place …
There’s a female Blackcap in this lichen-encrusted tree. Here’s what the male looks like, together with my thoughts on how ridiculous descriptions …
I’m currently reading the third volume of the Ladybird Book of British Birds and their nests from the 1950s. Times have changed: …
There’s a beautiful song coming from the bush in front of me. It’s the ‘Northern Nightingale’, the Blackcap: Blackcaps practice leap-frog migration: …
Walking around RSPB Ham Wall Nature Reserve in Somerset I can hear singing. It must be a warbler of some sort but …
I’m tickled by this description of a Blackcap’s song: “The Blackcap’s song lacks the Blackbird or Thrush-like phrases of the Garden Warbler …
There’s a Blackcap in the tree. I can hear its alarm call and then I see it; it’s a female. It looks …