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Making Hay

Making Hay

Yesterday was a wonderful sunny day so farmers were busy cutting the grass to make hay whilst flocks of gulls followed. The …

Noup Head Panorama

Noup Head Panorama

Noup Head is my destination by bicycle today, as it was yesterday. The crushed stone path is so rough that my bicycle …



Gannets have started breeding on the Noup Head cliffs and are taking over many of the narrow ledges and expanding the number …

Dirty Washing

Washing by hand

I’m not someone who likes to air his dirty laundry in public. That’s why I bring you only my cleanest pants and …


The smell of fresh bread

“Would you like some eggs?” our Westray neighbour asks. She’s very kind. She’s a real life faerie princess (“The UK’s leading exponent …


They call it flagstone…

… because it’s stone and breaks naturally into flags. The whole Island of Westray is made of it. Perfect flagstone paving everytime. …

Slugs and Fine China

Slugs and Fine China

When you move to an abandoned house there are always inhabitants who need to be evicted. Some are simply guests. Some are …

Dirt on

With the dirt on…

Fresh veg. With the dirt on. Straight out of the garden and onto the rack at Pierowall Fish. I’ll have some of …

Fungus Fairy Rings

Fungus Fairy Rings

In the disabled parking area of the 124th Orkney County Show at Bignold Park I spot a fairy ring. I’m always distracted …

Orkney Chair

Form Follows Function

The making of traditional furniture has nearly died out in mainland Britain. There are few master craftsmen, little knowledge of natural materials …


Sign on the Westray Ferry

I love workplace signs. There’s something about working in close quarters with people that can really wind you up. The office kitchen …

Always shake the woodlice off your flannel before using it to wipe your face in the morning.

→ 15 August, 2010


Decks may be slippery…

Today was a full day on the Mainland of Orkney for the Orkney County Show. A trip on the ferry is always …


The Westray Foot

Evie’s sculpture of The Westray Foot from pebbles collected at The Bay of Swartmill.

Hume Sweet Hume

Hume Sweet Hume

I’m a man and I love knitting. There, I feel better for unburdening myself already. Craftwork. Fine and designer knitting. Italian yarns. …

The Twa Corbies

I loved chemistry at school, despite how difficult I found it to remember. Part of that was, of course, the teacher I …


Incomers on Westray

It’s easy to tell an incomer on Westray. They stick out like a sore thumb. I’m one of them, I should know. …


Grooves and Scratches

There are so many patterns on rocks here it’s dizzying. There are magnificent beds of wave patterns from fossilised freshwater beaches 380 …

Making Hay

Making Hay

I’m so used to massive industrial barrel-shaped hay bales in Devon that it’s a pleasure to see some hay bales in old-fashioned …

Sails of Sangar

The Sails of Sangar

Evidence of Westray’s long-established drive to harness the energy of the wind is seen in this ancient sail-less windmill at Sangar (Old …


Common Seals on a Grey Day

Common seals strike ridiculous poses in Pierowall Bay. Apparently Common Seals have a characteristic ‘head-up, tail-up’ posture when they are hauled out. …

Westray Flag

Westray Flag

Despite the wind the Westray flag resolutely refuses to flutter in the breeze. The people of Westray didn’t choose it but they …


Dunlin on the Tide Line

Dunlin are wary birds. As I walk along the Bay of Tafts they jerk in nervous motion and skit further along the …

Death to Drosophila

Morning. Another day on Westray and time to tip the woodlice out of my slippers, have some Scots porridge for breakfast and …