There’s a Pennine Finch on barbed wire. That’s a cue for me to lift my lens up: Lovely, aren’t they?
There’s a Pennine Finch on barbed wire. That’s a cue for me to lift my lens up: Lovely, aren’t they?
I’m walking one of the sections of coastal path on Westray. At least a path is what I call it. There’s actually …
Twite are such beautiful birds. Their subtlety is exceptional, with the softness of their stripes and the paleness of their beaks. It’s …
I’ve spent this week honouring Twite, a wonderful, curious, much-overlooked bird. Twite live in weedy fields and moorland, or at least they …
The scientific name of the Twite is Linaria flavirostris. Linaria means linen-weaver and flavirostris means yellow-billed. Twite are Yellow-Billed Linen-Weavers. They’re also …
Watching Twite is a delight. Every time one jumps, the others bob up and down, too. We’ve been photographing a few of …
Twite are on the verge of extirpation in England. Their last stand is in the ‘Twite Triangle’ between Manchester, Leeds and Halifax. …
Welcome to Twite Week at The Hall of Einar. Twite are small brown birds. To the uninitiated they might look as if …
Twite are such beautiful birds. They’re small brown finches, closely related to Linnets. The subtlety of their plumage is just sublime and …
There’s a Twite on a wire. We’re down to our last 10,000 breeding pairs. There’s always a small, hardy flock here, perched …
Coronavirus has destroyed my livelihood. I’ve had all my work cancelled for a year and will have absolutely no income. I’m also …
We’re sitting in a thistle patch in Orkney. Luckily they are relatively sparse. We have company: There’s a juvenile Goldfinch exploring the …
My adventures on the four-and-a-half-th of five days walking the entire coast of Westray.
There are small brown birds on the lichen-covered rocks on the coast of Westray. It takes me a while to identify them. …
We’re on Westray and only have a few hours before sunset to see some wildlife at the Castle o’ Burrian. At least …