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Westray Buildings

Great Black Backed Gull nest - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

An egg on the edge

I’ve abandoned the car and I’m exploring some of the abandoned buildings of Westray. This building has what must be a piece …

Noup Head Lighthouse - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Lighthouse shadows

I had an enjoyable time flying a drone this summer. I only set it up a few times, as I had to …

Noltland Castle - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Noltland Castle

I’ve wanted to take a decent photograph of Noltland Castle ever since I first saw it, as I struggled up the hill …

Papay Sheep - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Scenes from the sea

It’s all about perspective. Looking at familiar scenes from a different place always makes you think more deeply about them. Similarly, seeing …

Thistle at Noup - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Noup in the mist

Noup Head lighthouse isn’t visible until we’re almost on top of it. There’s dew on the grass and on the purple flowers …

Lintel - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Triple lintel

Orkney is full of the evidence of master builders. Once stone is placed upon stone, then something is created which can last …

Sunset over Tafts - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Sunset over Tafts

One of my favourite photographs from Orkney is Sunset over Tafts. It sums up the surprising drama of a landscape, which is …

Gravestone - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

The Lily Must Decay

Churchyards are always a sobering experience. I love looking at gravestones and the ones in the graveyard of the ruins of Lady …

Window - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)


I love the windows of the old buildings on Westray in Orkney. The stonework is wonderful, the walls are so deep and …

Westray Regatta - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Lugs, Skiffs and Yoles

I’m surrounded by lugs, skiffs and yoles. There are even bugs and centre-board allcomers. I’m at the Westray Regatta. I recognise what …

The Bay of Tafts - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Tafts from the Bay of Tafts

The Bay of Tafts is nearly my nearest beach. I love it here. There’s a never-ending procession of moods as the weather and seasons change.

When the roof goes - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

The ruins remain

On Westray the ruins of old buildings litter the farming landscape. Memories of the lives lived in joy and hardship linger around …

Collapsing Roof - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Collapsing roof

With the weight of flagstones on the roof timbers, a Westray roof needs love and attention to keep it keeping the rain …

The top 10 reasons you shouldn't visit Westray - from

The top 10 reasons you shouldn’t visit Westray

Friends and relatives often ask me whether Westray is a good place to visit and my answer is always very clear. “No,” I say. “I wouldn’t recommend it.” Here then are my top ten reasons why you should never visit Westray.