Marsh Harrier over the reeds

A highlight of my trips to RSPB Lodmoor is the sight of Marsh Harriers flying over the reeds. Their languid flight, interspersed with gliding with v-shaped upturned wings, is a delight to see.

This one was busy flying low, inspecting the ground below. Their lives are heavily influenced by the other birds surrounding them. Earlier in the year, their harrying raised a hundred or so each of Lapwings and Golden Plover into the air in flustered flocks. Now, it’s a Black-Headed Gulls and the occasional duck which takes to the air as they maraud past.

Marsh Harrier - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Some day one will fly near to me and I’ll get the most amazing photograph of it close-up. Until then, I’ll keep coming and hoping.

More Marsh Harriers

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