Dark morph
Arctic Skuas come in several different colour varieties. Here’s the darkest: Aren’t the feather patterns on its underwings beautiful? They’re elegant and …
Arctic Skuas come in several different colour varieties. Here’s the darkest: Aren’t the feather patterns on its underwings beautiful? They’re elegant and …
It’s rare for me to photograph Dunlin. They’re normally too far away and I don’t want to disturb them. It’s only if …
There are 50 Ravens at the Sands o’ Maesan. One of them has the head of a Rabbit in its beak. I …
The Sanderlings of summer on Westray were a joy to get close to. Lying on the beach, keeping still, and watching them …
You know that feeling of panic when you realise your feet are going to be caught by a wave and you’re not …
There are Sanderling on Sands o’ Maesan. They are energetic beyond imagination. They work the tideline as if their lives depend upon …
There’s a Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres on the beach at Mae Sands. It’s just turned this stone over. They are very smart in …
The RSPB says, “The ringed plover is a small, dumpy, short-legged wading bird.” Read more. That’s not very complimentary, is it? I …
My adventures on the fifth of five days walking the entire coast of Westray.
My adventures on the first of five days walking the entire coast of Westray.
Much of Mae Sands is so low-lying that it never really drains of seawater. Walking on it looks beguiling, but wet feet …
Someone was busy building with stones on Mae Sands. Clever hands made this beautiful bottle-shaped construction.
The more you can see the horizon, the more you can see the arc of your whole life and think about what’s …
The sands at Mae Sands are verdant with Sea Rocket. The curious flowers are white or lilac and the leaves are fleshy …
I’ve cycled to Mae Sands and the seaweed surrounding me seems to have messages for me. If only I could read its …
A cycle ride to Mae Sands and a picnic of bread, cheese and water with a nice apple. Mae Sands is so …
It’s not possible to think about a break cycling in Orkney without discussing two subjects. The first is wind. Understanding the wind, …
Today the jellyfish came; hundreds were washed up on Westray’s beaches. Mostly they were clear with pale pink and lilac frills, a handful were deep inky purple. Their alien life forms litter the shore.