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Linnet - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)


A pair of Linnets is a constant joy. Especially when the male is singing from a perch in my garden. The female …

Linnet - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Industrious Linnets

I love to see Linnets, with their bouncing flight, and constant twittering. They are nesting in my garden again.

Linnet - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Perching Linnet

I loved seeing this male Linnet perching on the wind-burnt twigs in the garden of Einar this summer. He’s a beautiful sight …

Male Linnet - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Lovely Linnets in the garden

Each year at Einar, the Linnets build their nests and raise their chicks. It takes two weeks from laying to hatching and …

Linnet - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)


There’s a small flock of Linnets on Yarner Heath. I hide in a gorse bush and wait for them. And one appears. …

Linnet - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Linnet at West Kirbest

A trip to West Kirbest results in a beautiful view of this male Linnet in full breeding plumage: It’s a farmland bird. …

Twite - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Prickly problem

We’re sitting in a thistle patch in Orkney. Luckily they are relatively sparse. We have company: There’s a juvenile Goldfinch exploring the …

Linnet - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Flutters a thing of light

It’s a wonderful evening, with soft evening light, on Trendlebere Down on Dartmoor. There’s the familiar sound of twittering as a small …

Female Linnet - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

A Linnet in the garden

Einar has a small area of walled garden. It’s grown over almost completely with shrubs and wind-dwarfed trees and where there is …

Linnet - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)


The number of Linnets in Britain’s countryside has halved since I was a boy. I’m going to make the most of their company while they are still here.

Linnet - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Linnet in blossom

Wonderful weather. Beautiful blossom. A neat little Linnet at the top of the tree. Flocks of Linnets used to be a common …