Studying plant form and design – Goosegrass papercut
During lockdown (or Loch Doon as Westray folk pronounce it, as if it’s a place) I’ve had time to walk and to observe more than usual. I’ve been looking at the wild plants and flowers in the lanes, industrial estates and fields of South Devon and lately in Westray in Orkney. I’ve gone out with a magnifying glass and with a camera with a macro lens, or often with just my phone, and recorded the plants I’ve seen. I’ve counted petals, looked at leaf whorls, marvelled at spines and hairs and bracts and sepals just as I did when I was a child.
Goosegrass, Galium aparine, is one of my favourite plants and I’ve really enjoyed looking at it closely.
Goosegrass is often known as Cleavers or Sticky Willy (or Sticky Willie depending upon local spelling) and is exceptionally clingy when fresh and green, and then produces spiky brown fruit which cling like velcro to any material, especially, it seems, to passing dogs.
I’ve wanted to have the time to pursue my passion for papercuts for years now. Whenever New Year’s resolutions are mentioned I’ve thought “I really must do some papercuts regularly”. The last few months have provided the perfect opportunity.
This is the first layer of a two-layer papercut.
I’ve had great fun seeking out colours of green artists’ paper to get exactly the right shade. I work with Canson Mi-Teintes, Hahnemuhle LanaColours and Fabriano Tiziano papers, all of which are world renowned for their quality. They’re 160 grammes per square metre papers, often with a hammered texture and are dyed as pulp, with up to 50% cotton content. They are beautiful to work with.
Here it is as a two-colour layered papercut:
I’ve experimented with frames too, to show the papercut in its best light and I’ve settled on a metal frame with glass on both sides. It really highlights the graphic nature of the piece when hung against the right wall.
I’m delighted with it. It’s beautiful, interesting and botanically accurate.
If you’d like one for your wall, I’m happy to make one for you, only for the next month. I’d like to move on and create new and interesting work after that.
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Goosegrass – papercut£27.00 – £49.00