A new Goldfinch generation
There’s an adult Goldfinch twittering and chattering loudly from the top of one of the Oak trees at Boys Hall Moat.

The scientific name for Goldfinch is Carduelis carduelis. Carduus is the Latin name for thistle.
Teasel is an important winter food-source for Goldfinches. In July it’s still green and blooming nicely.

I can see a newly-fledged Goldfinch. It has the golden wing-flashes but none of the other features yet.

Teasel flowers are tiny on these spiky flower heads. I remember being told as a child that textile workers would ‘card’ wool by teasing the fibres straight using teasel heads.
I finally understand where the word carding must have come from; the Latin for thistle. And Teasel? Since teasing is to ‘irritate someone by annoying actions’, I think Teasel could do that job well, don’t you?

The next generation of Goldfinches is growing fast.

And the Teasel’s seeds are ripening in the sun.

They’ll meet in winter.