Westray Connections 2017 – The Parade
The Pierowall Village Parade is one of my favourite parts of Westray Connections. There’s something incredibly stirring about the pipes at full blast playing a heart-stirring tune. Add that to a procession through the Village and you have a real occasion:

The Kirkwall City Pipe Band are always immaculately dressed for the occasion and so regimented in their playing. The intensity of the concentration of their drummers is wonderful to see.

There was quite a crowd outside the Pierowall Hotel surrounding the Band who were in inward-facing circular formation. I managed to pick a few faces out of the crowd. Some were friendly and some were completely unaware:

It was a glorious day and The Orcadian reported that “The tar was melting on the Pierowall Road.”

In Westray it’s not every day that you can say that.
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