Guess the Yoghurt Flavour
Over the past decade on Westray one thing has struck me very forcefully: the ability of the shops to stock a single flavour of yoghurt in curious and slightly obsessive depth…
Over the past decade on Westray one thing has struck me very forcefully: the ability of the shops to stock a single flavour of yoghurt in curious and slightly obsessive depth…
Every visit to Westray brings the same anticipation for me; which flavour of Yeo Valley yoghurt will the shop have to the exclusion of all others?
One thing is for certain on Westray and that is there will be one flavour of yoghurt stocked in surprising depth in …
I’m in the market for some yoghurt. That means I’ve got to clear my mind of any preconceptions about the flavour I might want. What will the shops have for me this year?