You can set your calendar by its appearance

Hypholoma fasciculare is a great name for a fungus. I cover its origins here:

Maybe calling it Sulphur Tuft is easier.

It grows in the churchyard opposite my house in Devon and appears like magic for a week a year and then disappears underground again. It grows on rotting wood so it must be hard at work in its vital ecological role of digesting the tree roots under the grass here. It’s vibrant sulphur-yellow colour with orange highlights lights up the churchyard like a beacon.

Fungi are clearly sensitive to temperature and humidity and know which way is up. They use that information to fruit their glorious clusters of colour and decorate the wet grass at the same time of year.

Sulphur Tuft Fungus - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

They are spectacular.

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