
There’s an adult Lapwing calling near the farm track as we bobble along it. That’s odd because they normally just fly away. Beautiful, aren’t they? They’re a bird I saw in their hundreds in my childhood, with clouds of them over traditional fields in autumn, and families in fields in summer.

I knew them as Peewits then, but here in Orkney they’re known as Teewhuppos.

Lapwing - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

I’m wondering what it’s doing when we see why. It’s a chick, frozen on the spot, unable to move a muscle while its parent is calling in alarm.

Lapwing - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

I take a shot and then we move on, allowing them to be reunited. Nature is full of touching moments if you explore and let it into your heart.

More Lapwings

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