Grass Snakes, King Curlews and their Lapwing attendants
Any patch of good weather means there’s a chance of cutting hay for silage. The people of Westray have perfected the art of co-ordinated tractor driving. One drives in front with machinery to collect and shoots a grass snake of emerald green across the air into a trailer driven behind and to the side.
It’s mesmerising to watch. There seem to be two trailers to make best use of the time, with a swap-over at the end of a row. Watching them coordinate their industrial dance is entertaining.
There are scolders above with harsh cries:
They’ve also perfected the art of co-ordination:
King Curlews and their Lapwing attendants fly past imperiously.
I particularly liked this image, with the form of the grass snake clearly visible, its head clear, and its eye inspecting its destination.
My destination is the north of the Island. I expect a Bonxie attack, always assuming that the Arctic Terns don’t get me first.