An early morning
I’m not usually out early in the morning. You might have noticed that my blog contains many, many sunset photographs but precious few sunrises. This morning I’m up and out early because I’m at RSPB Otmoor. There’s a glorious pitted moon with drifting clouds:
There’s dew around and I’m feeling grateful for Wellington boots.
The weight of water these webs are holding shows just how strong they are. More power to you, spiders.
I meet another photographer called Nick, who is also there early. I tell him that the Short-Eared Owls come out from their roost at 4pm and fly until 6:30pm. He decides to stay and we spend all day together. We’ve never met before and yet discuss politics, culture, wildlife, religion, and so much more besides, without disagreeing once. Exceptional. He’s got a great dry sense of humour and we listen to scenes from each other’s life stories with patience and understanding.
It’s a grey day but we’re entertained by Little Egrets in one of the ponds and the tantalising views of a Kingfisher passing through.
The Short-Eared Owl makes an appearance dead on time, hunting over the long grass. It’s a thrill for Nick and a relief for me.
As it begins to get dark the Starling murmuration undulates over the scrubland. This teardrop flock is just beginning to have birds peeling off it and heading into cover for the night:
There’s a beautiful sunset, so I get my phone out to grab a shot. It’s the one photograph I haven’t needed a telephoto lens for today.
Nick and I say goodbye without ever asking for each others details or suggesting we stay in touch.