Wildflower meadow
It’s no wonder the field at Einar is a literal hive of activity with bees. The Red Clover Trifolium pratense is here in abundance.

Taking a macro photograph of it reminds me just how much of life we miss because of our scale. Always carry a magnifying glass with you and you’ll never be stuck for entertainment. The Red Clover is probably why I’ve been visited by Great Yellow Bumblebees:
Blonde Bombshell
There’s White Clover Trifolium repens as well:

It’s such a great plant it’s amazing people are frightened to plant it because it attracts bees which might sting and lead to litigation:
Let me sleep in a bed of clover
A plant I didn’t know the name of is growing quietly in the garden too; Self Heal. I tried and tried to identify it myself but eventually had to ask for help. The photograph in my identification book shows Self-Heal Prunella vulgaris from the side. That’s such a bizarre thing to do when you miss just how fabulous a plant it is from the top:

Now I know what it is, I see it everywhere. It’s also known as Woundwort. My research says Self-Heal is edible, and can be used in salads, soups, stews, and boiled as a pot herb. I might have a nibble at it later.
There’s also a pea-like plant with dozens of flowers: I think it might be Tufted Vetch Vicia cracca:

I’m going to have to keep my magnifying glass with me at all times and buy a better identification book if I’m going to have continued success identifying the plants here.
There’s just so much to see.