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Castle of Burrian

Puffin - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Not every Puffin makes it

Puffins face constant threats. There are Great Skuas overhead every day on the lookout for the weak, the old, the unwary, or …

Puffin - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Collapsed burrows

The headlands and inlets of Westray are covered in spongy tufts of damp grass. Beneath them lie normally invisible tunnels. They are …

Puffins - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Prancing Puffins

Puffins mate for life. This pair are keeping each other company on a rock ledge outside their burrow near the Castle o’ …

Puffin - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Puffins in the air

I’m lying down on the grassy clifftop looking across at the Puffins on the Castle o’ Burrian when I realise I can …

Puffin - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

The hours before sunset

We’re on Westray and only have a few hours before sunset to see some wildlife at the Castle o’ Burrian. At least …

Evening Puffin - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Evening Puffin

A Puffin at the Castle o’ Burrian as the low evening sunlight streams through the grey clouds.

Puffin - photograph (c) 2016 David Bailey (not the)

A different view of a Puffin

I’m on the cliffs at Westray’s Castle o’ Burrian with the Puffin Whisperer. They are such curious birds that when she calls, …

Puffin at the Castle o' Burrian on Westray - photograph (c) David Bailey 2016

Some Enchanted Evening

In the musical South Pacific, Emile sings ‘Some Enchanted Evening’ where he describes seeing a stranger, knowing that you will see her …

Little Brother of the Arctic - photograph (c) 2016 David Bailey (not the)

Little Brothers

The scientific name for the Arctic Puffin is Fratercula arctica, or Little Brother of the Arctic. Classy.

Pulcinella di Mare - photograph (c) 2016 David Bailey (not the)

Pulcinella di Mare

I love Puffins or, as the Italians have it Pulcinella di Mare; Punch of the Sea. We’re wandering along the cliffs at …


The Puffins are here!

The Puffins are here! I thought that I would have just missed them, but tonight, there they were, like flying boats at …