Puffins love a breeze on their bellies

It’s raining and a dull day on Westray when I get a call from my friend Martin. He’s out with the Puffins and tells me it’s amazing. It’s one of those breezy days when they play in the wind, get buffeted from side-to-side and have to land by reversing onto the steep grassy slopes. I don’t need any more encouragement and I’m soon out enjoying them.

The light’s not great for photography, but who cares when you’re surrounded by Puffins playing in the wind and you’re cosy in full waterproofs?

Atlantic Puffin - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

I love it when one drops in unexpectedly.

Atlantic Puffin - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Two’s company but three’s clearly a crowd.

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