The One Minute Puffin Cure #3
Puffins are delightful to watch. The more you watch, the more you notice. The more you notice the less you understand.
We live on an alien planet surrounded by exotic creatures with lives we can barely comprehend. And that’s just the people. Here are wild creatures with orange webbed feet and ornate orange beaks. Enjoy!
More one minute puffin cure videos
The One Minute Puffin Cure #8 Comical Puffins in golden sunlight on Westray: Recorded using a tiny remote control camera at the Castle o' Burrian… read more
The One Minute Puffin Cure #7 Comical Puffins in golden sunlight on Westray: Recorded using a tiny remote control camera at the Castle o' Burrian… read more
The One Minute Puffin Cure #6 It's time for another One Minute Puffin Cure. Recorded using a tiny remote control camera at the Castle o'… read more
The One Minute Puffin Cure #5 Puffins are hunted by Great Skuas (known in Orkney as Bonxies). The Bonxies patrol the coast and appear, low and… read more
The One Minute Puffin Cure #4 Alfred Schnabel, the incredible digging Puffin, almost throws himself off the cliffs in his Herculean efforts to dig grass roots… read more
The One Minute Puffin Cure #2 It takes an extraordinary amount of time to keep in tip-top waterproof condition when you spend your time in the… read more
The One Minute Puffin Cure #1 I met a German tourist at the Castle o' Burrian on Westray in Orkney. He'd just been to see the… read more