Fattie Cutties

No trip to Westray is complete without a visit to Peter Miller’s shop for some Fattie Cutties. Now even though Fattie Cutties sounds like a confidential weight loss programme, they are actually biscuits. Whenever I buy a packet someone always says “I know who bakes those,” yet they never say who does.

At the Westray Industrial Show I’ve seen the full variety of Fattie Cutties available on the Island and discovered the recipe inside the official programme for the show:

Fattie Cutties and Drop Scones – the rivalry

They are cooked on a griddle. At least that’s what I think as the Islanders all call it a girdle. The only girdle I know is a panty-girdle and although sometimes they can be pretty hot, I’m not sure you can cook with them.

These are cooked to an unknown recipe:

Fattie Cutties - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

And by an unknown person.


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