Fattie Cutties and Drop Scones – the rivalry
Home baking on Westray is a way of life. It takes an hour and a half to get from Mainland Orkney by ferry and there are few ferries, so people have learned to be self-sufficient. There’s a fantastic tradition of producing wonderful cakes and even the youngsters get involved. There are a few classic ingredients and recipes which are loved on the Island. The Westray Industrial Show this year had categories for:
Flour bannocks
Bere bannocks
Drop scones
Oatcakes, medium with shortening
Fattie cutties
Fruit cake
Shortbread (round)
Fattie Cutties are a personal favourite of mine.
In a change to tradition this year, entrants were allowed to use their own recipes. In previous years everyone had to bake to the same recipe, laid out in the Prize Schedule. Here’s the recipe for Fattie Cutties:
3 cups plain flour
7 oz (175g) margarine
3 tblsp sugar
4 oz (100g) currants
Pinch of baking soda
Pinch of salt
A little milk
Method: Melt marg. Mix dry ingredients. Add margarine and mix with milk. Roll out on lightly floured board thinly. Cut into squares and bake on a not-too-hot griddle. Eat.