Are these the most northerly cliff-nesting House Martins in the UK?
I spot a House Martin, Delichon urbicum, on the cliffs at the Castle o’ Burrian. That’s nice. Then I spot another one. …
I spot a House Martin, Delichon urbicum, on the cliffs at the Castle o’ Burrian. That’s nice. Then I spot another one. …
They’re small, fast and easily confused. How do you tell Swifts, Swallows, House Martins and Sand Martins apart? Firstly, Swallows, House Martins …
2020 is a year which will be difficult to forget for those of us lucky enough to still be alive. For me, …
I’ve been to Challacombe Farm before. It’s teeming with animals for food and fun
Eating flying insects to live must give you a thirst, surely? When you spend all day crunching flies and taking them to …
One night, out for a walk from my house in South Devon, I spot a small group of House Martins. As I …
There are two Barn Swallows resting in the tree up ahead. That’s good. I’d like to photograph them and they’ve been flying …