Red-Backed Shrike

There’s been an influx of Red-Backed Shrikes throughout Orkney and Westray has had its fair share.

I’ve seen one before, in Italy, and loved how wild and wary it was. Despite that, I managed to hide in a bush and get beautiful photographs.

My aim with this Red-Backed Shrike is to do the same. There is a problem, though. Westray has few bushes and there’s precious little cover between me and the bird. I approach it slowly, in full camouflage. It knows I’m there, and has done since before I could see it. Shrikes were traditionally abused by falconers to spot incoming birds of prey from distances which made them invisible to the human eye.

I take my time and approach it cautiously, as hidden as possible behind a slope.

Red-Backed Shrike - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

I wait and enjoy it. It’s been a grey and dull day but there are two tiny spots of blue sky. One of them is where the sun is and one of them is behind the Shrike.

You wouldn’t know that from the photographs.

Red-Backed Shrike - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

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