Pallid Swifts
I love seeing the Swifts swirling overhead in Matera. There are screaming chases, flights which end in mating while clinging to buildings, and plenty of interaction amongst them.
And what a spectacular place to stand and watch them, in the heart of the Medieval city.
I’ve been using the Merlin bird sound app to identify birds I can’t see recently and decide to use it here. It tells me there are Pallid Swifts here as well as Common Swifts. That’s very exciting. I’ve never knowingly seen a Pallid Swift, although I know they are paler than Common Swifts.
I climb the slope of the old city and begin to track every pale-looking Swift I can see and attempt to get a photograph of it. Pallid Swifts have a ‘scaly’ appearance, a large pale chin area and paler wings, together with a distinctive black mask around the eyes.
Got one!
I see another and get a composite shot of one against the city.
Here’s one about to eat the smallest midge imaginable. No wonder they’re busy if they eat such tiny morsels.
I make another composite shot of one showing its white chin quite clearly.
Swifts are some of the most difficult birds to photograph, with high speed, changes in direction, small size and problems distinguishing them from their background. I’m happy with these, though.
After seeing Pallid Swifts I’ll never look at a Swift the same way again.