The Black Guillemots of Aikerness
I’ve had a few trips recently to the far north of Westray. It’s a great place to go as it’s too far for most people to walk, so the wildlife remains undisturbed. On the cliffs of Aikerness sit a group of Tysties, or Black Guillemots, as they are known outside Orkney.
This one has caught a Butterfish, Pholis gunnellus:
One is stretching out on the rocks. For a bird which spends much of its time on the water, it must feel odd to be sitting on the rocks. It looks like it’s trying a few Joe Wicks fitness moves:
My eye was caught by this pair calling beautifully, with their soft plaintive cry:
It does look as if they are laughing at me. If I were a Tystie, I’d laugh at me, too.