If rocks could think and feel and see…
If rocks could think and feel and see then life would be very different from their perspective.
These rocks are so contorted, with strata dipping steeply towards the sea. There are cracks and faults and deep undulations, yet they are as hard as, well, rock. It’s happened in such slow motion that it’s almost impossible to conceive of the time it takes for rocks to be buried, transformed, exposed and weathered.

If rocks could think and feel and see, what would they experience of human life now? How transient would my appearance be?
There’s a Black Guillemot flying fast and low from its fortified rock nest. It has a family to feed and fish to catch.

It’s a busy life supporting a family.

These rocks were last on the surface between 383 and 393 million years ago. All they have known is darkness, heat and immense pressure. They have been hardened and folded and moulded and then exposed and weathered. They were already old when dinosaurs became extinct.

It’s great to have their company on a stunning day of azure skies and turquoise waters. I wonder what life will be like here in another 383 million years?