The Caterpillar Service – Day Five
The caterpillars keep on coming. Beak-fulls of them.
Green ones, brown ones, grey ones and orange ones; they’ve all been carefully plucked from the leaves of the surrounding trees and bashed to stop them wriggling. Then they’re brought in on an ever-shifting flightpath to the nest hidden in deep bramble cover.
It’s such beautiful weather here and the sun is shining. Their usual flight-path is against the sun and my only clear vantage point is from the safe distance of a public footpath. People have been very kind, dogs are under control, and almost everyone has said hello and kept a safe social distance during the pandemic. It’s a shame it takes potential death from an invisible disease to make more people behave with friendliness and respect here.
As the sun arcs around over the course of the day I get my final chance of good light on a flight-shot.
It’s my favourite so far. The chicks hidden beneath must only have a few days to go before they fledge. Let’s hope they make it so everyone can enjoy them next year as well. With an expected life of just two years, it’s now or never for these parents and their extended family of carers.