Dull Dunlin day
It’s a dull day today.

There’s a sea haar which is muting every colour to an Orkney pallet and reducing shadows to a feint smudge.

These Dunlin are by the pools at the north end of Westray.
Some still have the distinctive black bellies of their summer plumage.

Others look like juveniles.

The RSPB says:
“There are at least 11 different races of dunlins in the world. Three of these races visit the UK each year, each one at a different time. Only one race of dunlins breeds in the UK. It nests in small numbers on boggy uplands in Scotland or western parts of England and Wales. This race also breeds in Iceland, south-east Greenland and southern Norway. But it does not spend winter with us. Instead it leaves in August and travels down the coast of Europe to spend winter West Africa.”
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I wonder which of the 11 races these are. Are these boggy uplands? Are these Dunlin on the way to West Africa?
I’m impressed how hardy they are.

My feet would go all wrinkly if I spent this long in the water.