The tale of the Grebe and the Slider
There’s a Great Crested Grebe on a nest in the middle of the Lake.
I’m looking at it closely when I realise there’s something strange about the nest.
There’s a huge Red-Eared Slider, a large Terrapin, which has hauled itself out onto the nest to sun itself. Red-Eared Sliders are one of the top 100 invasive species worldwide. In the EU you can’t breed them, or allow them to breed, you can’t sell them or give them away to someone else, and you certainly can’t release them into the wild.
It also appears that this Grebe can’t get rid of the Slider.
When they did the list of the top 100 most invasive species they forgot the most important one: human beings have been the number 1 most dangerous and most invasive species for many years now.