Success – at last!
I’ve spent 40 years as a photographer and had to face the constant indignity of people expressing their views on my photographs. Whether it was: friends leafing quickly through my precious photo albums looking for a photograph of anything they recognised, “There’s no people”, I remember one said; to house visitors looking at a framed photograph and asking me ‘What is it?’; or my favourite, the photographic developers who put stickers on my prints saying what was wrong with them; an ‘Out of focus’ sticker springs to mind.
After all those years though, finally I have had the ultimate success; my photograph is featured on a biscuit box:
And not just on any biscuit box, but on the box of my favourite biscuit; the Westray Shortbread made by The Westray Bakehouse:
Which photograph you ask? Well, if you look at the very top right of the front of the biscuit box you might just be able to see a black and white photograph smaller than a postage stamp; that one’s mine.
Here it is full size. It’s a photograph of Sangar on Westray:
“What’s so great about that?”, I hear you ask. Well, the lovely people at The Westray Bakehouse have sent me a biscuit. It’s time to put the kettle on, I think.