Note to self: when arriving and cleaning the kitchen for first use, always empty the toaster crumb-tray of woodlice before warming pitta to avoid that toasted woodlouse smell.
Meg. My new friend.
Woodlice are nutritious but not mint flavoured, so always shake them off your toothbrush before brushing.
Mixing paint
There’s just time to give the mouldy patches on the lounge walls a quick coat of paint before my guests arrive but …
My Coypuffin :) I really wish I could remember where I bought this and who made it. Did I get it at …
My friend messaged me to ask if I could send him a photograph of my front door. “Why” I wonder, “would he …
Not a single slug in the kitchen this time = result! Slugs → 16 August, 2013
Orkney sunshine
Orkney sunshine in the playground.
Real dedication
There’s a beautiful collection of desiccated woodlice in the upturned light shade. It shows real dedication that they crawled all the way across the floor, up the wall and along the ceiling before dying in my light shade.
Rainbows, Peregrine, Traybakes and Fancies, Moonlit Cycling
The 14 mile return cycle to The Wheeling Steen Gallery is either getting easier or I’m getting more blasé about it. So …
Walking Meg
I’ve been suspicious of dogs ever since a Great Dane licked my face and crushed my testicles by standing on me as …
A hot cold bath
Little luxuries are important if you’re living in a ruin on a remote island. A hot Radox bath is one of those …
Look at the halteres on that!
Craneflies have such an unpredictable wobbly flight. Their flight would be a lot worse if they didn’t have such big halteres to …
The last red poppy on wasteland at Rack Wick.
Thank you Lily for the Minion :)
Lubricate well
Lubricate this breaker well Tightened bolts prevent all rapping And be sure all parts are clean That’s the way to keep it …
Sweeping up
Okay, okay, I know I’ve got to sweep the floor of the Hall, but there are so many other more exciting things …
Postbox eyebrows
The hooded postbox. The rain in Westray is generally horizontal rather than vertical, apart from at the end; just before it hits …
A postbox at the north end of the Island. Remote, I’d call it.
Warm noses
Lady is beautiful and eats delicately from my hand. Her nose is warm. Krummie wants to bite me and farts extravagantly for …
Puppy Love
Meeting Meg for the first time <3 xxx
Drop those scones
Decaf coffee. Drop scones. One butter. No jam. £3.04. The best cakes on the Island :) The Wheeling Steen Gallery – and …
Back to the future
Very little has been touched in my house since the 1970s. The bathroom still has the original, now faded, bright orange, hand-made, …
Land Rover
Friend. Land Rover. Sunshine. Beach. Walk.
Dark Island Reserve
Today I go in search of Dark Island Reserve. A beer that even red wine drinkers find palatable – or so I …
The Puffins are here!
The Puffins are here! I thought that I would have just missed them, but tonight, there they were, like flying boats at …
Pecking order
My first evening here and I’m desperate to get out and about on my bike. Starlings flutter and shuffle their elaborate pecking …
Breakfast on the Ferry
A cup of tea. A bacon roll. A Tunnock’s Caramel Wafer. On the Orkney Ferry to Westray. £2.80. Breakfast.