Searching for Spotted Flycatchers

Today I’m determined to get some decent photographs of Spotted Flycatchers. We’re on Capri for a few days and I have a camera, trekking sandals and an insatiable appetite for gelato. What a great combo.

The Island is steep and the roads are narrow. Here, the potatoes grow under the vines and poppies brighten the view across the Island.

Capri - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

The Spotted Flycatcher is known in Italian as Il pigliamosche comune which means the common flycatcher. Its scientific name is Muscicapa striata, which means striped flycatcher. I wish they’d make their minds up.

They’re very difficult to photograph, but endearing when I manage to.

Spotted Flycatcher - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Next I’d like to get a photograph of one flying. I stand looking into someone’s garden which has an upended tree. There’s a Spotted Flycatcher making regular trips to catch flies and returning to the same perch. It can’t be that difficult, can it?

Yes it can.

Here’s my best image from over two hours of dedication in the hot sun.

Spotted Flycatcher - The Hall of Einar - photograph (c) David Bailey (not the)

Its ability to spot, fly, catch, return is exceptional. I have a great deal of respect for their lives after watching this one intently for so long.

Now, about that gelato. Fantasia di Capri is my favourite flavour. It’s the perfect metaphor.

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