White wedding
Swans are exceptional birds. I particularly like Mute Swans, but that’s because I’ve yet to see a Bewick’s Swan or a Whooper Swan.
One of the most frequently visited posts on my blog is this one about the Mute Swan’s basal knob:
I suspect that’s because Google searches put my blog post high on the list.
Today I’m admiring this Mute Swan at RSPB Lodmoor. Isn’t it attractive?
I particularly like the ‘workman’s boot on a wedding dress’ look of this one. There’s a lot of behaviour going on at the moment, with courting couples dancing and rivals facing-off.
I’m fascinated to see this one shaking its neck by twisting it back and forth, just like a dog does, to dry itself.
It’s not a good idea to have too active and imagination, or to be able to put yourself in this bird’s place. Believe me.