Codirosso Spazzacamino
The Italian name for the Black Redstart is Codirosso Spazzacamino. It means red-tailed chimney sweep. I love their ash-grey plumage.
This week I’ve decided do my nature photography a little differently. Normally, nature photography is something I do while I’m out enjoying myself in nature. It’s not a job, I don’t have to do it, and I usually only do the bits that are pleasurable. This time, though, I decide to concentrate to get the best photographs I possibly can. Why not see just how good I can make my images? I might as well try. A small bit of extra planning, dedication, persistence and discomfort is all it will take, surely?
There are far fewer Black Redstarts in the UK than there are in Italy, so this is my best opportunity for getting beautiful photographs of them. They particularly love bomb sites, so many areas of Rome are perfect, with the ruins of thousands of years of incredible civilisations all around us.
I take my time, observe the birds feeding, sit down, choose the right angle for the light, and wait. Then I take 100 shots home and edit a few properly. Rather than editing them quickly, I use all the tools and techniques at my disposal to do it.
This is the best. The question remains: was it worth it?