Cuckoos at Emsworthy Mire 2
I’ve arrived earlier today in the hope of seeing Cuckoos. Yesterday was a success, with a high-speed chase, so I have high hopes.
I can spot a familiar battleship-grey hawk-like stance in the distance.
It’s time to use some fieldwork skills to get a little closer to it.
Cuckoos seem to be happy with sheep approaching them closely but object to humans. It’s a case of “four legs good, two legs bad”.
I’m working closer using natural cover. However, I know their superpower in spotting hairy caterpillars from a ridiculous distance, so I’m certain it can see me.
And this is as close as I can get without being in a hide.
The Meadow Pipits are still steaming mad at them. Here’s another attack:
The brown speckles make me think this might be a young bird, perhaps a second year male. I’m sure I’ll be corrected by people with much greater expertise.
I love their stripey tops.
It’s been a wonderful couple of days.
I’ll have to wait until next year to see them again.
Good luck in your travels.