It’s the middle of winter. It’s time to rest and appreciate another year gone. It’s time to see distant family members, or remember those we’ve lost. It’s also time to look ahead to summer and know that those long days will be with us once again, just as soon as the Earth gets us there.
Here’s a reminder of summer on Westray. It’s a poem in the form of a haiku by Edwin Rendall of the Wheeling Steen Gallery.
It’s perfect.
More Fulmars
Fulmar chickFulmars only lay one egg. That's not a surprise when you see the size of the egg compared with the… read more
The beauty of MallimacksFulmars have a strange reputation. Being able to spit foul-smelling fishy oil accurately from quite a distance is clearly something… read more
ChatteringChattering Fulmars are the best. They raise their chins, open their mouths wide, shake their heads and wave their heads… read more
Mallimack in Sea PinksA garden of Sea Pinks makes every bird photograph look better. This incubating Fulmar has the perfect vantage point, surrounded… read more
Mallimack surpriseThe Fulmars on Westray are littering the coast with their ungainly earthly forms, as well as flying effortlessly along the… read more
A Scootie Allan attacking a MallimackA Scootie Allan attacking a Mallimack. An Arctic Skua attacking a Fulmar. A Stercorarius parasiticus attacking a Fulmarus glacialis. Dramatic, isn't… read more
Mallimack lifeFulmars are my favourite birds to watch flying. They have an effortless confidence on the wind, and glide with stiff… read more
One dramatic eveningIt's a dramatic evening, already quite dark, yet this Fulmar is still flying. The sun is lighting up the high… read more