Meadow Pipit Parachutes
I’m paying a quick visit to Aust near Bristol. It’s on the River Severn with a clear view of the two Severn bridges in either direction.

I suspect that I wouldn’t normally be able to walk along the River here because of the mud, but it’s currently very dry.
There’s the sound of spring here at the moment as Skylarks and Meadow Pipits gather. The Meadow Pipits are particularly active, with high flights:

It must be exhausting for them. There’s precious little time left to eat when you have to defend a territory or find a mate. This one’s having the equivalent of a nice cup of tea and a sit down:

They are very difficult to photograph. I’m visible on this flat flood-plain and there’s nowhere to take cover.

An abandoned broken tree makes me think the water level must have been much higher a while ago:

I manage to meander closer to the perched Pipit:
Then it’s off again, into the air, swooping, calling, parachuting and generally making a loud spectacle of itself. They have to shout to be heard over the noise of the traffic.
If I had more time I should just stay still next to this Pipit perch and camouflage myself:

Today, though, I’m more interested in a walk.