The wild Daffodils of Dunsford Wood
Today was a wonderful day for walking on Dartmoor. On the very far east of Dartmoor is the valley of the River Teign. The river is fast flowing and runs through steep-sided valleys and gorges. At Dunsford the area is owned by the Devon Wildlife Trust.
I’ve always thought of Daffodils as being foreign imports; I imagined them as a plant collected by a Victorian adventurer and brought back from an expedition to Persia or Morocco. They are the sort of cheap and vulgar cut flowers I bought my mum when I was age ten. I’m surprised to find out that they are a native British species and that Dunsford Woods is full of them. Short stemmed, two-toned and glorious on this sunny day, they litter the flood-plain here:
They are the epitome of spring.
It’s a shame that they are not the only thing littering the woods: