The end of echelon parking
It’s the end of echelon parking. It says so on the sign. I’m glad they told me that.
Goodbye echelon parking: it was good knowing you.
I’m in Eastbourne in a heatwave. Unlike the still-faded seaside glamour of South Devon, East Sussex seems to have all the money and half the attitude. The gardens on the seafront are meticulously kept. As I stroll, Herring Gulls patrol overhead.
If I do buy an ice cream, I know they will have it out of my hand faster than you can say Larus argentatus.
The light breeze is a welcome relief but the spray over my camera is an unwelcome distraction.
There’s a massive juvenile Herring Gull on the beach. It’s camouflage colours are amazing.
It takes me ages to realise there are two of them.
The beach here is pebbles with big chunks of flint. Perched on top is a Spider Crab carapace.
It’s a beautiful day for day 20 of #30DaysWild from the Wildlife Trusts.