Not Boaring
A quick trip out this afternoon to visit Mr and Mrs Pig the neighbours, their boar Alfie and their heavily pregnant sow Little Kim. Here’s a typical extract from Mr Pig’s blog:
The Edge of Nowhere: About a boar
How old will he have to be before he begins “work”? I was sixteen myself. Does he have to court then marry each sow in turn? What if Alfie’s gay? I mean – some pigs are just born gay aren’t they?
Being modern pigs they have their own Facebook page where you can follow the ins and outs (oo-er missus, put that chicken away!) of pig husbandry. Excellent.
Pedigree British Saddleback and Saddleback/Tamworth cross pigs from the beautiful, remote Orkney island of Westray. Pork available from Dounby Butchers (01856 771777), live pigs for fattening or breeding from Malcolm on 01857 677577.