Honey Bee

No, not that kind of Honey Bee. The metaphorical Honey Bee.

Back in 2013 I popped down to the beach with my friend Vernon and recorded a video for a song he’d written and recorded. It was informal and to the outsider may even have been viewed as shambolic. I only had a small pocket camera. I’d never used it to record video before. I certainly didn’t know what I was doing. Vernon played the song on his tinny phone in the wind of the Bay of Tafts and sang and played along. And then he did it again. And again. Six times.

Cut to six years later and I’ve finally bought some software capable of editing multi-track video, and a quiet night in means I’ve got chance to learn the software for something practical.

I wouldn’t do it this way now. I’d have multiple cameras on tripods and with gimbal heads. I’d be recording it at 120 frames per second for lingering slow motion and speed-ramping. I’d switch it off ‘auto’ and have manual control over exposure and iso. I’d be recording it in glorious 4K. I’d have something to play the music so we could hear it over the sound of the wind in our ears.

Anyway, as a document of a great time on the beach at the Bay of Tafts it brings back very fond memories. Here then is the [fanfare] world premier of ‘Honey Bee’ by Ippykak on video. As Vernon says, “Hello Wembley!”

Want to buy the album digitally? Here it is (together with an alternate version of ‘Honey Bee’ that’s well worth a listen):


Oh and yes, the water was cold.

Vernon Bradley; the sun shines out of his guitar:

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